
Hi everyone, and welcome to this period's last entry!馃ス

On yesterday's class we had to present our Community Language Learning activity which consisted of a poster about the method teacher Orlando assigned each group, my group was in charge of the TPR method and we all had so much fun helping each other out while making our poster which was the goal of the activity, learn how to work with your peers and learn from them.

Then we had to present our poster to the whole class

While listening to the rest of the groups present their assigned method it was a great way to study for the quiz that we had a few minutes later, which I personally think I did great and hope to get a good grade, it was a piece of cake馃き

If I had to choose my favorite method out of the seven that we studied this period I would have to say TPR, I just loved the vibe of the classroom and I could see that everyone was enjoying to just do something out of the ordinary and stand up while moving and jumping around although I know that the most effective one would be the Direct method which is another one that I like and I think that was the method I was taught English with.

 I think all seven methods are equally useful and it was really nice to study all of them, just one month ago I had no idea that were different methods to teach English and it is crazy how much knowledge I have now.

With that I conclude this period's last entry and I hope you enjoyed reading all of them just like I enjoyed learning throughout the period,  thank you so much for reading and see you on the next period, bye-bye! 馃憢馃徎 

P.S: Here's a funny picture of mine while waiting for my turn to present馃槅
