Hi everyone! Welcome to another entry of my English Didactics blog😁
For this entry I will be breaking down all five of the presentations about Multiple Intelligences, including my group's presentation.
So far we've heard about Spatial, Mathematical, Kinesthetic, Linguistic and Musical Intelligences, the presentations were officially starting today but since my classmates Nathaly and Miriam had to go to the Joni & Friends campaign this week we asked to present last week, so we were the first group to go.
1. Visual Spatial Intelligence
Last Thursday María, Nathaly, Miriam and I, had the opportunity to talk to our classmtaes about the Visual Spatial Intelligence. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit bummed out because I wanted to get the Kinesthetic or the Musical Intelligence, but I actually learned a lot while preparing for this presentation and doing my research. Since these are some skills that I kind of lack it was nice to get to learn different things I can do to improve my Spatial Intelligence.
Here is a video of us in the middle of our presentation
People with this type of intelligence know how to work with directions and spaces, obviously, they enjoy building things and perhaps they can solve a Rubik's cube in no time. They have the ability to picture how certain things can be organized in a room and something that I envy, they are great at parking their car.
For the class activity, Miriam came up with a very challenging exercise for everyone to solve, we used a Tangram, a puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons, called tans, which are put together to form shapes.
We asked our classmates to form groups of three people since it would be easier for them to solve it.
Here is a video of everyone trying to solve the puzzle
To our surprise, a group was able to solve it in 5 minutes, Rodrigo, Josh and Abi!
Everyone liked this activity and I guess we delivered a good presentation overall.
2. Logical Mathematical Intelligence
They were all in black, it was a nice detail❤
This group explained this type of intelligence as the ability to understand numbers and the reasoning to comprehend how something works. People with logical mathematical intelligence is well organized, they have strong problem solving abilities and they are able to recognize number patterns and their connection. They don't base their knowledge and explanation on emotions but on facts and logics and some activities to develop it can be logic puzzles, mind games, riddles, board games and scientific experiments.
I was actually waiting for them to do a math related activity with numbers but they came up with memory games and word search and I was so happy because if they had gone with the other option I wouldn't have been able to participate😂
María and Jonathan had to go against each other on a memory game
This was a really fun game, being focused was key
At first I thought this intelligence was only about math and numbers but today I learned that I has so much more than that, you can apply your reasoning or your logic to come up with useful strategies, it was nice to train our brains for a little while.
3. Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence
I enjoyed this presentation and was paying attention to everything they were explaining. People with this intelligence tend to be good at working with their hands, they enjoy drawing and they are better at learning through their tactile senses, they prefer a direct involvement with the material rather than reading the information. They enjoy physical activities like dancing and any sport. Other activities focused on reading or listening can be difficult for them. Some activities to develop this intelligence: Play catch to improve you hand-eye coordination, make forms of different objects or letters with your body, build think with legos or play with clay or sand.
We played charades as a part of the class activity and my team won! I actually participated in all of the presentations activities and I definitely enjoyed them. I thin it is so great how you can communicate things without speaking and just using your body language.
This was so fun!
4. Linguistic Intelligence
They were all in pink, it was a nice detail as well💗
I enjoyed hearing the information since I think that this is one of my intelligences. Linguistic intelligence gives you the ability to learn new languages and express yourself through spoken or written language. A person with this intelligence enjoys reading, is able to understand grammar and has an expansive vocabulary. As for the benefits, you will strengthen your communication skills and learn new words every day, and some activities to develop it are reading, solving crossword puzzles and listen to podcasts, all these activities will help you learn even more new vocabulary. Actors, writers, poets and teacher are said to have linguistic intelligence.
For the class activity we played at Kahoot to test our vocabulary, we had to match the definition to its concept, recognize synonyms and search for errors in some sentences, although I ended in 2nd place I think I did a really good job and Jonathan took the 1st place, he was on fire💥
5. Musical Intelligence
For today's last presentation I got to learn about my favorite intelligence, the Musical Intelligence. You can express emotions through music, capture and recognize sounds, rhythms and melodies and a helpful activity to develop this intelligence is to draw with some background music, just like we learned with the Suggestopedia method.
For the class activity we played one of my favorite games: Guess the song!
I had so much fun today while participating in all of the activities and of course, listening to what all classmates had so say and I think they all did a great job, I really love the fact that while we are participating at such things likes charades, memory games and tests we are developing many abilities and I definitely think that we all learned one thing or two today.
I can't wait for the rest of the presentations on Thursday, I will be writing about those as well so stay tuned for my next entry, bye-bye!👋
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